Lets make your business


I’m your crew to keep you moving and performing at your best.


Real Advice

I find a one-on-one, face to face approach is still the best way to engage and deliver the most effective advice.


Real Experience

Experience tells me that clients are not looking for an off-the-shelf solution to their problems.


Real People

My clients are hardworking entrepreneurs who seek guidance, advice, insight, and a good sounding board. 


Real Results

I won’t sell you a pipe-dream. Everything I work towards with you realises a tangable benefit for your business and lifestyle.

Real Experience

I work with people on all the functional aspects of their business to achieve results/tangible outcomes.
I bring my own experiences and success, from commercial and education spaces, of Finance, Sales, Marketing, People and Strategy.



  • Understand the macro environment
  • Review and revise current Segmentation, Targeting and Position
  • Review and revise digital assets (www & social)
  • Refresh brand profile
  • Utilisation of traditional media
  • Integrated Marketing Communications/Campaigns
  • Efficiency of spend
  • 4P review (Product, Price, Place & Promotion)
  • Marketing accountability (inside/outsource)
  • Understand current customer opinion


  • Review, revise or create 12-18 month and 1-3 year plan
  • How does work come in and flow out
  • Operating procedures
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Goal setting

Commercial Finance

  • Map the ‘Rhythm’/momentum of the business
  • Establish Budget and Forecast process
  • Standard agenda and reporting for monthly owner/directors meeting
  • Review Pricing vs. competitor landscape
  • Gaining clarity on the value of the value proposition
  • Margin analysis and GP sweet spot
  • Discount policy
  • Terms of trade
  • OPEX analysis and ongoing control
  • Pay & Efficiency of staff
  • Value placed on time
  • Supplier arrangements
  • Inventory management
  • Ongoing pricing and promotion
  • Return on investment


  • Focusing on personal goals
  • Shaping bucket lists
  • Addressing self limiting beliefs
  • Being an authentic ‘business partner’
  • A ‘shoulder to cry on’
  • Bringing reality and pragmatism amidst emotion and frustration


  • Map the selling process
  • Define accountability for sales
  • Sales targeting
  • Training and development
  • Creating selling stories
  • Consultative selling process
  • CRM – engagement and follow up
  • Engaging Customer
  • Negotiation


  • Internal surveys and overview
  • Recruitment (the whole thing ad to offer)
  • Morale and productivity
  • Accountability and control
  • Performance management
  • Restructure
  • Ongoing engagement

About Me

When I was a teenager my dream was to be in a band and I’ve been going to live music for 40 years. I’ve taken the principles of supporting great acts (management and crew – the roadies) and applied that to working with NZ Small/Medium enterprise. I am here to practically support, and partner you, such that you consistently perform at your best!

Industry sectors I've Partnered with


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Food Processing

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Industry sectors I've Partnered with


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“In my experience, Jonathan is an enthusiastic supporter and guide. His commitment to focusing on our goals has been very productive for us. Because of his wide experience in business, Jonathan is able to both see the big picture and identify the small detail in a challenging goal”

Peter Scott | CEO | Parallel Directions

Keeping it Real

I don’t meet or work with anyone who was waiting for an opinionated stranger to give them a list of things to do or wrap them up in a programme that someone else devised. I know, having worked in this space for over 5 years, clients want a doer who will work with them to move forwards and be available, ongoing, as a trusted and objective partner.

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