About Me
My focus is to present the most authentic version of self I can. What I love is:
- Family (human and fur)
- Exercise – I get to hang with some amazing communities
- Music – The ‘80’s were my halcyon days (NWOBHM & Electronica)
- Travel – more and more I enjoy the wilderness, especially skiing in the mountains
- Documentary – love to understand what’s happening, has happened and how things work
- Comedy – so many influences from the ‘70’s and ‘80’s
In my first senior employed role, aged 30, I got some great advice. My regional VP said ‘doesn’t matter what you do, or what your title is, at any level you need to be a great operator!’… 20 years on it’s still applicable.
My life, employed and self employed, taught me much about people I’d prefer to hang out with:
Seek to constantly improve and innovate. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. We learn from others and from our challenges & successes.
Always be proactively open and honest. Pride yourself on providing complete visibility into the successes, and sometimes failures.
It’s great to be around happy, motivated, and positive people. It’s good for you, for the team, and for the clients.
By recognising that communication starts by listening, understanding different perspectives, and caring about others.

The Heros Journey
Some years ago my wife bought me a film called ‘Finding Joe’. The film gives insight into the work of Joseph Campbell and the development of what is now called the ‘monomyth’. Campbell, via extensive research, concluded that all popular myths and stories follow a similar path. Examples of more recent adaptions of The Heros Journey include film classics like ‘Star Wars’, ‘Lord of the Rings, ‘Toy Story, ‘The Matrix’, ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Back to the Future’ to name but a few.
I came to realise that all of us are on our own version of The Heros Journey, some more than others. In simple terms the journey can be summarised into 4 steps:
- Separation
- Descent
- Ordeal
- Return
This cyclic journey is about facing fear and being open to Transformation.
More often than not I work with businesses and individuals who, knowingly or unknowingly, are at different stages of the journey. They have chosen not to accept the status quo, seek a mentor, are facing trials/crisis, seek treasure/gifts to move on and often as they return they seek a new life.

my ‘WHY’ journey
I’ve been staring into my ‘WHY’ journey ever since I first read and listened to the work of Simon Sinek some years ago. I thought I had it twice, but no!
In reality I’ll thank working at WOOP, during the Lockdown period of April/May 2020, for giving me the space, place and clarity to be clear on ‘WHY’ I do what I do – a genuine, authentic partner for business/others.
This journey is in 9 parts:
Opportunity Knocks
My research says that this ‘game show’ started on the radio in 1949. It was popularised by presenter Hughie Green in a British TV run between 1964 & 1978.
If nothing else I got that you could create a different future for yourself by being put in the spotlight and showcasing whatever talent you believed you had.
'Jim'll Fix It'
While I have embarrasment attached to this I couldn’t tell the WHY story without mention of a show that ran in the UK, 1975 – 1994, called ‘Jim’ll Fix it’. The appalling truth of the presenter is well documented – I still get nervous watching the Louis Theroux documentary ‘When Loius met Jimmy’ (something didn’t seem quite right). When I found out the truth, I’m sure like many of my generation, I was distraught. It was as if part of your upbringing had been a complete dirty untruth. I’m still amazed at the experiences that occurred but I’m sure most participants wish their dream had come to life via somebody else.
Having grown up on American TV shows of the late seventies and eighties I’d always dreamt of going to the USA. When first in higher education I got introduced to BUNAC (British Universities North America Club) and was able to experience the states via working at Camp Androscoggin, Wayne, Maine. It was life changing for no other reason you got your ‘place’ in the world. I learnt 2 HUGE lessons ‘You will waste too much time in life waiting for the applause of others’ and ‘You will give need to give many times without chance of reciprocal action’…….maybe a forerunner of ‘Pay it Forwards’
I started my career late in the eighties I was captivated by a show called ‘Troubleshooter’ (1990), featuring ICI chairman Sir John Harvey Jones (I ended up doing an MBA at The University of Bradford where he was chancellor). Famously, Sir John visited The Morgan motor Co. (amongst others) and strongly suggested some fundamental changes in work practice – a classic to this day! His ideas were never always warmly received but were always pragamatic and with the benefit of the business at heart.
'Back to the Floor'
Many years before a good idea was ‘bastardised’ in ‘Undercover Boss’ the BBC made a series, in the late ‘90’s, called ‘Back to the Floor’. Senior leaders featured, reality TV style, working in the grass roots of their business. Dino Adriano, CEO of UK supermarket chain Sainsburys, was the subject of one episode and his demeanour, weak action and poor presence is oft attributed to the reason he lost his job. I was on the steps of the Sainsburys head office, in London, when the board returned having announced his ‘departure’ to the city.
At the time I was studying for my MBA (early ’00’s) Channel 4, in the UK, started a series giving people the opportunity to have life transformations. Format was to take an individual and place them in a ‘related’ environment to their usual occupation and have them compete, after 4 weeks, with 3 others who’d been training for years in that space. Examples were burger van proprietor to chef, punk musician to orchestra composer and ferry steward to ocean racing yacht captain. Each individual realsied they could do more with their lives.
I started travelling when I was 16 and had long had the desire to live and work somewhere longer term. Fast forward early 30’s and as I ‘wrestled’ with Australian immigration I came to NZ as a plan B. 17 years later, and as a citizen, I continue to explore life choices here.
In early 2008 I stumbled across a film (originally a documentary series) that captivated me for it’s 3 hour duration. Not only had I existed in these environments for some time, part of my MBA motivation was to appeal to the ‘great and good’ within them. By 2014 I finally realsied that I could no longer work in these ‘toxic’ spaces and I had far more value to give to smaller/medium business.
Motorhead were the first major music influence in my life. I had the opportunity to meet founder, front man and the Rock n Rock ‘Godfather’, Lemmy, in Sydney in 2011 (a moment in my life!). Lemmy passed in 2015 and in 2018 I got to visit his favourite bar, now shrine, ‘The Rainbow’ on Sunset in LA. By his own admissions he wanted to known as an authentic and honest man – I aspire to the same!
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the potential to turn a life around.
– Billboard Cafe Sign –
Education & Experience
- International exposure to the dynamic FMCG industry
- Success in both supplier & retailer environments
- Extensive Sales, Marketing & Operational experience
- 25 years working for Multinational/Local NZ brands
MBA (School of Management at the Unversirty of Bradford, UK).
The Exec program is in the globally ranked Top 50
Check out my LinkedIn Profile
Highlights of Achievements
- Reshaping the margin model that lead to a three fold increase in income (hourly rate to hourly rate + commission + retainer)
- Creating selling story that realized a listing within Countdown
- Transitioning a business from purely B2B to have a B2C offer
- Evolving business to have an e-commerce offer
- Turning loss making business to realize six figure profit in 1 year
- Marketing and process overhaul to achieve 2 years of double digit growth
- Sales story evolution to achieve distribution in Coles and Woolworths (AU)
- Preparing a business for sale and subsequent new opportunity for owner
- Proposed business sale became a partner arrangement that created new longevity for existing owner
- Dealing with numerous ‘problem children’ (employees) such that owner had new lease of life within the business
- Developing owner self belief such that it supported new levels of growth within the business
- Introducing processes, reporting and control that lead to a step change in financial strength
- Guiding a variety of businesses through COVID focusing on Financial health, People, Health & Well Being and Business Continuity

“Jonathan has played a key role in the evolution of our business and we relate to him more as a partner than consultant. While we benefit from ongoing support and recommendation on various aspects of our business we find the work that he does around Category reviews, NPD pitches and Key event presentations to be highly valuable.”
Johnny Wiggins | General Manager Australasia | Revolution Beauty