


Jonathan has been a key element of the change of business model of L’Oreal Consumer Product Division in NZ. A great leader with a very strong relationship with the clients

Jean Dominique de Ravignan

HR Director Middle East, L’Oreal

I think the best thing about it all was it gave us a drive to push our business forward and to look outside of our fishbowl which is myself and Suz. So thanks again for helping us get this far.

Rezharco Doria

Managing Director, Yellow 6

Thanks for allowing me to feel proud of what I have achieved.

Dave Redmond

Director, Construction Management Group

Jonathan proved to be a highly competent and well-liked lecturer by both students and staff. Over and above his lecturing responsibilities Jonathan mentored students in developing their soft skills and frequently used his industry network to actively support students in finding internships and jobs.

Denisa Hebblethwaite

Academic Lead (Marketing/Business) , UNITEC


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